Common Mold Problems And How To Overcome Them

Terry Beckett   |  

Mold Removal Company Edmonton AB

Whether you have large patches of mold or tiny specs of the fungus growing in your home, it’s essential that you investigate the problem to eradicate it before it harms your health. Inhaling mold spores or touching them can lead to allergic reactions such as sneezing, coughing, runny eyes and nose, and rashes. In some cases, the reactions caused by exposure to mold could be so severe that you could land up in the hospital.


So, if you suspect mold in your home, it’s essential that you remove it immediately and figure out ways to prevent it from coming back. For the best methods to rid your household of mold, Advanced Remediation Solutions has put together three common mold problems and how to overcome them.


1. Why is mold growing in my closet?
Some people, including us, have boxes and totes and winter coats all stored in a closet, and when we pull out a box or tote, we see black fuzzy stuff on the drywall behind it and wonder how did this happen? Well, the answer to this is poor ventilation. A lack of air circulation often leads to mold growing in your closet. Modern houses are usually airtight and watertight, which means they don’t breathe. As a result, they don’t shed heat or humidity. So, one solution is to not pack too many things in your closet. If that is not an option, try putting in a vent to allow air to circulate in your closet. If it is just surface mold, try cleaning it up with soap and water, then make provisions for ventilation to prevent the mold from coming back.


2. Why is there mold inside my attic? There are black fuzzy freckles all over the plywood or oriented strand board (OSB) sheeting and wood structure. How could this have happened?
The cause of this problem could either be one of three issues:

a. not enough ventilation in the attic

b. not enough or poorly installed insulation

c. no seal around the attic hatch


If there is mold in the attic hatch area, then the solution is to put a seal around the attic hatch. If you find mold further inside the attic area, then confirm if there is insulation blocking the soffits (these are the vents under the eaves of the house) at the outside edges of the attic. In case there is insulation, then clear it out of the soffits so that the attic can be adequately ventilated. If the mold is overhead, check if there are sufficient attic vents installed in the roof. The calculation (according to google) is one square foot of vent space for every 150 square feet of attic area, remember this calculation includes the soffit venting and overhead roof vents. If you don’t have enough venting, you will need to have a contractor address the issue and install more venting. If you do have enough venting based on the calculation above, then it is likely that you don’t have enough insulation. Should this be the case, you will require a professional insulator to assess your attic. Once the cause of mold has been dealt with, give us a call us to clean up the mold properly.


3. Why is there white fuzzy stuff on my concrete walls in the basement?
The wet, humid conditions that contribute to mold growth in basements are often the result of moisture vapor coming through the concrete floor or walls due to a high water table or saturated soils. If water comes into contact with basements that are drained or sealed inadequately, moisture will seep slowly through the wall and floor. The result is not only a damp environment but also mineral deposits (salts) left behind as water evaporates from your basement walls and floors.


As water evaporates over time, salt crystals grow and become obvious to the naked eye. These deposits are dissolved easily by water or vinegar. If the substance does not dissolve in either water or vinegar, then it may be mold. If you realize you have mold after following this method, please give us a call so that we can efficiently remove it from your home.


As premier asbestos and mold removal experts in Edmonton, AB, Advanced Remediation Solutions, ensures that your needs are met, and your expectations are exceeded. We conduct thorough investigations to get to the bottom of your problems so we can not only remove but eliminate hazardous materials from your property. Our team is highly trained in the removal of asbestos, mold, PCBs, animal feces, mercury, and other dangerous substances. We also use the latest equipment and technology to reduce damage to your property and provide you with effective and timely remediation.


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